Notes from Joyce

Possibly stated before...I am the website creator & administrator. All the first-stated comments, about any photos, is from me.

I tried avoid having a lot of pictures posted from our side of the family. I would love to have interaction on this site 
with your comments, sending email, forwarding your own pictures, completing the forms and spreading the word about this website!

I don't want this "TRADITIONS" page to contain only my information or relate only to my family. On Form 2 at the bottom, the question is asked if your family has any traditions originated from the Leslein Family side. Maybe some of you will contribute to this page :o)

My mom (Dee) explained to me how the middle names of the Michael & Louise Leslein gang were determined on who was to be their God Parent...God Mother's first name for the girl's middle name or God Father's first name for the boy's middle name. That tradition might have been for a few generations; but it didn't continue for us. 

Let's look at just the 4th Generation Girls' names:

Lillian Clara (Michael's sister)
Ethel Anna (Louise's sister)
Mildred Katherine (Michael's sister)
Edith Loretta (Michael's niece)
Florence Louise (Louise is her mother)
Violette Annabelle (not sure)

Then let's look at just some of the 5th Generation Girls' names:

Dolores Louise (her grandmother)
Janet Louise (her grandmother)
(there are some Lou's that could be for Louise
other middle names not sure of)

My grandmother (Lillian) did indeed have her 
Aunt Clara as her God Mother.
My mom (Dolores) had indeed her grandmother, Louise, 
as her God Mother.

I do not know about the rest.

Maybe some of you can confirm this Tradition.


When a baby was born, who was of the 4th generation of the same sex - definitely a picture was taken (of course more so after it was common to have a camera). Positions of the generations were basically started with the oldest on the picture's left. Then the next generation baby usually had the oldest from his/her parents picture bumped off 
(a bad way of saying that the person had passed away). Louise died 9 years after this picture was taken.

My sister was the first girl born in our family...so she was the star baby for a picture of 4 generations (shown as first photo on the left). I had the first girl with our family having 4 generations of girls (middle picture on the left). 
My daughter, April, had the first girl with our family having 4 generations of girls 
(last picture on the left). Lillian died just 3 years after this picture was taken.

On the left of this last picture is my mom. She is now gone but forever in our memories. She died 5 years after this picture was taken

Hopefully this tradition can continue - if my granddaughter, Abby, has a girl. So the next picture I will be on the left.

Well... you can see who is the next person to be bumped off - hopefully either we'll have 5 generations of girls or it will be a very long time before another picture is taken.   :o)


I really don't know if this was a tradition in the Leslein Family. I don't know where Michael & Louise were married. Although I do know about a tradtion that started with my grandmother, Lillian. Unfortunately "times change" and we didn't keep this going long. Generally a couple gets married where they participated and/or belonged in a church. Therefore, many children venture out and change churches from where 
they grew up as a child (or marry someone from another church). 

Lillian & Otto were married on April 2, 1927 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 404 S. Third Street, Columbus, Ohio 
Dolores and Nick were married on April 2, 1949 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 404 S. Third Street, Columbus, Ohio 
Joyce and Rick were married on September 30, 1972 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 404 S. Third Street, Columbus, Ohio 
No guests were photographed in Lillian's wedding.

Guests were photographed in Dee's wedding.

Many guests were photographed in Joyce's wedding.

AND some of you might be in these pictures. 

AND some of your direct ancestors may be also.

click on any picture to stop it. You will be taken to another window with that picture. Glide over the faces and you will see... WHO'S WHO

(I'm having trouble identifying a few - please help me if you can)